The AI-powered Assistant for Higher Education.

The Story

The Higher Education industry vertical is a combination of multiple AI-powered Revenue Digital Assistants (RDAs) and skills (groups of AI-powered conversations) that are used by educational institutions to reach out to prospective student applicants, support current students, and handle billing and other administrative issues.

When my team moved to managing industry verticals instead of RDAs, I moved from managing the Marketing RDA to managing the Higher Education vertical. Many of my roles managing the Higher Education industry vertical were similar to my roles managing the Marketing RDA. While managing this vertical, I learned more about the ins and outs of higher education and the needs of institutions, students, and other users in this vertical.

My Role

User Researcher I conducted customer calls and created and sent surveys to learn more about what users in the education industry loved and hated about the products in the education vertical. I used this information to directly inform the roadmaps I built for these products in order to prioritize the features that would most benefit users.

Product Management I created and executed quarterly and yearly roadmaps for the Higher Education vertical. This resulted in many product improvements and updates such as changing conversation packages to better suit customer needs and crucial documentation updates to support our education customers.

Documentation Writer I discovered that improvements were desperately needed for Higher Education documentation. The company had previously focused on documentation for the most-used RDAs, but now that I had moved to managing this industry vertical, I set about re-vamping its documentation.

Product Expert I pulled reports on customer accounts as well as industry benchmarks, investigated how customers were using their accounts, and presented recommendations to the customer on how they could improve their account performance. I also used internal reporting to monitor product performance and created and presented quarterly presentations to executives on product performance trends, proposed improvements, and new features.


The Higher Education vertical is a set of Revenue Digital Assistants (RDAs) which each comprise a set of customizable AI-powered conversations designed for users to reach out to leads with a personalized touch at scale. The Higher Education vertical spans most of Conversica’s product offerings but is focused on only the customers in the Education industry.

The conversations within each RDA used in the Education vertical are grouped into skills by function; each skill contains a group of conversations geared toward a certain objective such as reaching out to prospective students who expressed interest in the university, supporting current students of the university, and handling billing and other administrative tasks.

Many of the conversations can communicate with leads in multiple languages or by text. Most conversations also have multiple conversation flows available to users, allowing users to select whether they want the conversation to drive toward a call with a representative, provide a link to more information, or both.